hey would like to share one great site for homework help that i refered to is www.Aafter.com. its features that I liked is its style of answering your queries. As you type in any question on a topic on the search box, AAfter provides links to wiki, yahoo, chacha, eHow, YouTube and a host of many other sites that provide answers to your questions questions in text, videos or audios. So, by simply writing your question at a single site, you get links to all the important sites available to get your answers.
*I do list the nightly homework, but it is not a substitute for writing in the agenda nightly. The blog is merely there for emergencies and for parents to keep informed of assignments.
After School Help:
I will be after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays until 3PM for any student who would like extra help or just a place to do their homework.
When a student is absent from school, checking the blog is a wonderful way to keep up to date with classroom assignments. It is the student's responsibility to ask for make up work and make sure it is handed in in a timely way.
Try this great web site for demos of how to solve various problems.
http://www. khanacademy.org
This video explains what absolute mean deviation is:
What is a "FATTED CALF"?
Many people have wondered why Mrs. Downey says "Oh my fatted calves!" In fact, it has significant meaning. See the below links for more information about the fatted calf.
1 comment:
hey would like to share one great site for homework help that i refered to is www.Aafter.com. its features that I liked is its style of answering your queries. As you type in any question on a topic on the search box, AAfter provides links to wiki, yahoo, chacha, eHow, YouTube and a host of many other sites that provide answers to your questions questions in text, videos or audios. So, by simply writing your question at a single
site, you get links to all the important sites available to get your answers.
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